
Interview with Jaime Ferreira, director of RefNat4LIFE project partner Agrobio (Portugal) In this series, RefNat4LIFE project partners give insight into their experience and motivation to engage in sustainable RACHP. This time, we have talked to Jaime Ferreira, director of Agrobio, the Portuguese Association of Organic Agriculture. Claudia Becker (HEAT GmbH): What are the main challenges for the small (organic) food retail sector with regard to sustainable cooling? Jaime […]
RefNat4LIFE Report Highlights EU Small Food Retail Sector’s Emission Reduction Potential The recently published “Towards sustainable cooling in the European organic and small food retail sector – Status, technology needs and expectations” public report shares the first-ever approximation on Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, and Heat Pump (RACHP)-related emissions within this sector in Europe.   The aim of the RefNat4LIFE project is to promote the uptake of climate-friendly cooling alternatives among end users of refrigeration, air-conditioning and […]
RefNat4LIFE at Chillventa eSpecial RefNat4LIFE took part in the 2020 edition of Chillventa, a virtual “eSpecial” that took place between 13 – 15 October 2020.  Britta Paetzold of HEAT, Germany, as well as Hans-Josef Brzukalla from the German Association of Organic Processors, Wholesalers, and retailers (BNN e.V.) presented the project goals and gave insights into the organic food retail sector as an […]
Dutch project partners feature RefNat4LIFE at refrigeration congress Good news for those interested in climate friendly cooling in the Netherlands: The RefNat4LIFE project will be part of the upcoming online HET KOUDEMIDDELEN CONGRES on 21 September 2020. René van Gerwen from the Dutch refrigeration association (KNVvK) and Wim den Boer, Director of the Stichting Emissiepreventie Koudetechniek (STEK), both RefNat4LIFE project partners, inform about the […]
Webinar from shecco's virtual trade show on natural refrigerants, September 1-2, 2020 RefNat4LIFE was part of the world’s first global & virtual natural refrigerants trade show (September 1-2, 2020). The recorded webinar is available below. The webinar presented the initial findings of a thorough market study on RACHP use in Europe’s small food retail sector. Two project partners shared their views: René van Gerwen from the Dutch […]
Supermarket Symposium at Germany's ZVKKW The symposium focused on sustainability trends in food retail. RefNat4LIFE partners HEAT and BNN were present the RefNat4LIFE project. The full programme can be accessed here
RefNat4LIFE at EuroShop 2020 16-20 February in Düsseldorf, Germany The RefNat4LIFE project was present at BioFach, with our project partner BIV at the ZVKKW booth.
RefNat4LIFE newsletter #1 The first RefNat4LIFE newsletter includes information on recent project activities and invites shop owners and servicing companies to participate in our online market survey: Welcome to the Refrigerants, Naturally! for LIFE newsletter! Sustainable cooling for Europe’s organic retail/small food retail sector Refrigerants, Naturally! for LIFE is about: Climate-friendly cooling using natural refrigerants Training and certification […]
Removing barriers to climate friendly cooling in Europe's small food retail market A new project called “Refrigerants, Naturally! for LIFE” supporting the uptake of climate-friendly cooling alternatives among end-users of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) equipment and servicing providers, has started in June 2019. The project is funded under the EU-LIFE programme.  The project particularly addresses end-users in the organic food retail sector. Many of […]