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IKKE gGmbH Informationszentrum für Kälte-, Klima und Energietechnik logo IKKE gGmbH Informationszentrum für Kälte-, Klima und Energietechnik Organiser type Private training institutePrivate training institute
IKKE gGmbH Informationszentrum für Kälte-, Klima und Energietechnik – filter training courses by specifics:
1 training courses run by IKKE gGmbH Informationszentrum für Kälte-, Klima und Energietechnik reset filters
Covered topics
Basic thermodynamics and physics; Efficiency, COP evaluation; Maintenance and operation; Material compatibility, lubricants; Practical handling of refrigerants; Regulations and standards; Safety aspects, safehandling of refrigerants; System design and installation
1-2 days
paid course More info 2357 09/06/2021

Contact us about training courses

If you offer EU-based training courses in the use of natural refrigerants and would like your course details listed on this website, or if you've found outdated information in our lists of courses, we'd be pleased to hear from you at the contact details on our 'Contact us' page.

Disclaimer: we try to ensure that course details are accurate and up-to-date, but we can not accept responsibility for eventual errors. If you encounter mistakes, please let us know and we'll endeavour to fix them promptly.